Cilantro Pesto

I grow a lot of basil in the summer and end up making a lot of pesto which gets put in the freezer for later use. Once the rain begins and the weather turns cold, opening one of those frozen jars is like opening a bit of stored summer sunshine. Thus, we end up using most of it well before we have basil growing again.
I prefer to not buy basil at the store during the Winter as it is typically over-priced and a tad wilted. My kids don't like the pre-made pesto at the store as much as mine (thanks, kiddos!) and I don't care for the small plastic containers in which it comes that are no longer recyclable.
The solution! Cilantro pesto. Organic cilantro can typically be found in the produce section (unencumbered by plastic), looking perky and costing very little. The flavor is actually not that different. Give it a try and let me know how it goes over with your families!
Place everything in a high speed blender and blend until smooth. Adjust salt to taste.